The meeting was straight to the point. First, the head of the Umuada was called to remind the people of what a widowed woman was expected to go through. The things I heard broke my heart.
"Firstly, you must shave off all your hair, you will sleep on the bare floor in your sitting room alone for three months, you will wear only rags till at least one year after your husband has been buried, you will not eat any solid food till your husband is buried, and on the day of your husband's burial, his corpse will be washed and you will drink the water to prove you didn't kill him. Then after a one year mourning period, you will become a wife to any of your husband's brothers that desires you". These were the words that came out of the mouth of the leader of the Umuada.
I couldn't believe it. Why would widowed women have to go through all these for no fault of theirs? These women should be shown love and care and instead this is what they get? I was appalled!
At that moment, Akunna was brought in to defend herself.
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