The treatment continued for the remaining nights before their mother came back. On the fourth night, Leonard said to me, “I hope you aren’t thinking of telling our mother. Do you really think she will believe you over us?” At this, his brothers burst into laughter while I cried silently. I knew he was right. I was indeed on my own. I felt worthless. I couldn’t interact with other girls my age; I didn’t feel like a little girl anymore. Those boys took that away from me. The assault continued till I was 16. Any of them would come into my room at night and rape me. I usually never made any sound. It was useless. I went to school one day and decided I wouldn’t return to that house. I didn’t know where to go, but by night, I ran into a church where a lady cleaning saw me with tears in my eyes and took me to the pastor’s wife who took me in. After hearing my story, she took me to the hospital the next morning where I was thoroughly checked. I...
A reflection of societal values using creative and original stories, promoting a sense of responsibility among youths, and utilizing potentials.